Erik Abel

Erik Abel has given New Chemical History a very rare glimpse into his sketch books. He looks forward to using this forum to show how his process for creating art is one of constant evolution. Abel is driven by a fascination with seeing small, foggy ideas worked out on paper and transforming into fantastic revelations and insights for creating a new painting, series of paintings, or an entirely new direction in his art. Explore the gallery of sketches, ideas, and notes that Abel has chosen to share, along with a few selections of completed works from his portfolio, and discover how he combines the many different elements in his sketches into the creation of a final piece. Contact information as well as more of Erik Abel's work can be found at
Bio: After several years spent absorbing life in the Northwest while he lived in and around Portland, Oregon, Erik Abel decided in 2005 to return to Southern California to take part in the area's swelling art scene. Being heavily influenced by and involved in the surf/skate/snow industry, and working as a freelance graphic designer for over 10 years, Abel's method of bold, graphical imagery fused with his loose brush and pen work seems to find a corner of its own in the art world. When asked what keeps him going, he answered honestly, "The evolution of my art is what really has me intrigued. Every piece builds on the knowledge gained from creating the last; and the fact that I will paint for the rest of my life and still never reach 'an end' is as fulfilling as it is frustrating. It's got me hooked; I never know what's gonna come out of my head next." Abel is infatuated with creating an aesthetically pleasing experience through his artistic process. "That's why I paint, so I can search for a balance, evoke a mood, remember things, and spawn new thoughts. For me, painting is self-therapy; if it happens to help other people in some way as well, that's even better." Elements from inspirations such as ancient civilizations, cycles of nature, plants, symbols, icons, and politics systematically weave their way throughout Abel's work. Unique imagery combined with a natural eye for visual harmony gifts Abel's work with an easily recognizable and fresh style.
All images are © Erik Abel